My Fees

Transparent pricing for quality care.

E-Transfer & Credit Card

Cancelation Policy

$100 cancellation fee will be charged if appointments are canceled within 48 hours of the scheduled time

Coverage Available

See details below



Per Session
Book A Session



Per Session
Book A Session

My services are covered by insurance/health plans that cover Registered Psychotherapists or Certified Nurse Psychotherapists.

Not all coverage is the same, so here are some questions you can ask your provider

Does my health insurance plan cover Registered Psychotherapists or Certified Nurse Psychotherapists?
What quantity of sessions does my plan allot? Cost per session? Number of sessions? Total coverage?

I have additional coverage options through

  • Non Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
  • Congregational Assistance Plan
  • CRA recognizes the cost of non reimbursed therapy services as a medical expense, eligible for tax credit
  • Blue Cross and Veterans Affairs