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Therapy for Adults

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Internal Family Systems Informed Therapy

My application of IFS in therapy is unique as I first saw its principles at play happening organically in clients in my work with Psychedelic Assisted Therapies. After completing training and consultation around this form of therapy I understand that “parts work” can be just as effective and intuitive on its own. In this therapy we will curiously explore your parts (emotions, sense of self, ect.) and develop a connection with “self” to help “unburden” parts that have been affected by hurt. IFS is proven to help with numerous challenges such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and more. 


EMDR is a therapy technique used to help individuals process traumatic memories and experiences. Through bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements and buzzers, clients can reprocess distressing memories, leading to reduced emotional intensity and improved mental well-being. EMDR offers a structured yet flexible approach to therapy, facilitating healing and resolution for clients dealing with trauma-related issues. I work along other experienced clinicians within the EMDR Wellness Centre in Thunder Bay. 

EMDR therapy available starting June 1, 2024

Forming Your Story- An IFS Informed Program

“Forming your story” can be tailored to most forms of mental/emotional distress including anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, ect. This program utilizes core principles of Internal Family Systems to help develop a better relationship with our “parts” so that we can help them (meaning you) feel less burdened by life. This program incorporates the art of understanding through stories to help externalize and understand your parts. If you align with expressive exercises such as writing stories, poems, comic strips, or any form of art, then this program may be of special interest to you.

Therapy for Anxiety

Although I recognize the suffering that can come with anxiety I have also developed a view that anxiety may actually be trying to help us. At first that may seem unlikely, but I encourage you to hear me out. From my experience with supporting anxiety I recognize that working with and helping anxious parts is much more effective than trying to fight to change it. This is supported through evidence and is the base of the most proven therapy techniques. Together we can explore and teach anxious parts how to live a life that feels freeing and aligned. Throughout this process our aim is to develop a better understanding of anxiety and learn to live in a way that leads to long standing relief from anxious patterns. 

Therapy for Depression

My approach to depression starts with us understanding what the experience of depression is for you. From there we can collaborate and apply evidence based methods to help relieve symptoms of depression, thus leading you to more experiences of connection and freedom in your life. Some methods we might incorporate include mindfulness, IFS, DBT, CBT, and ACT.

Therapy for OCD

Having been challenged with OCD in my own life I have invested much of my time learning and sorting through strategies to manage OCD symptoms. I understand how some OCD patterns may feel shameful and isolating, which at times prevents someone from seeking support. When I am collaborating with a client challenged with OCD we can apply a variety of strategies to meet them where they are at. Some examples of these strategies can include: IFS, CBT, and cognitive behavioral self therapy.

Therapy for ADHD

Some characteristics of ADHD can pose significant challenges when trying to live in what can feel like a fast paced world. In therapy I do not view ADHD as a disease, but as a set of characteristics or parts of ourselves that can feel unique or distressing. If we can help support these parts, we can begin to experience life in a more peaceful and fulfilling way. When I am supporting someone with ADHD, we slow down together to explore how they can navigate and make changes that feel aligned with them as a person.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are proven to have a positive impact on anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, living more peacefully, and much more. Over the past decade I have completed numerous retreats, courses, and training on mindfulness and meditation. I have developed my own daily meditation practice that has been pivotal to supporting my own states and emotions. In therapy I can introduce you to the core concepts found in mindfulness and meditation. I can also help you sort through common misconceptions and pitfalls found in these practices. Lending from a large” tool box” of evidence based resources I incorporate your uniqueness to support you in living a more mindful and peaceful life. 

Therapy for Chronic and Terminal Medical Concerns

As a Registered Nurse I have a high level understanding of medical processes and terminology that someone may be encountering when diagnosed with a chronic or terminal medical concern. This knowledge helps me have a fuller understanding of the person’s experience, so that I can provide insight and reassurance when relevant. As a nurse I have also worked very closely with people with these concerns and have a clear knowing of the importance of mental/spiritual/emotional health and how it seems they may actually be all tied together.
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