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Therapy for Couples & Families

Relationships have the capacity to be one of the most valuable aspects of our lives. At the same time it is not uncommon for relationships to possess challenges and complexities. There are techniques that can help couples and families overcome their challenges and identify/achieve their goals. I am able to support couples that are encountering hardships and/or seeking a relationship that is aligned with their wants and needs.

Intimacy From The Inside Out (Informed)

IFIO is derived from the Internal Family Systems Model. Its basic principles help each person understand their own as well as each other’s perspective by getting to know the “parts” that are present within their system. Through experience and research I have found that this approach typically feels less threatening to the people involved and furthers self understanding that is relevant even outside of the relationship. In this process we learn how to understand and change repetitive conflicts, communicate differently, heal past hurt, and move towards a new more satisfying relationship. Currently I am able to support couples and families.

I am accepting couples and family members (max of 3 at a time).  
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